
I'm Addicted

Band of Brothers got me. I avoided it for so long, but I am done. Monday I watched 2 episodes and Tuesday on my day off I watched 5 more.

What a series. I can't wait to watch the last 3. It is so well done. The colours, the story, the production. Wow, it is so enthralling. Amazing. Not for the squeamish at all though. And not light. It is emotionally draining. Especially parts 5 and 6.

I can't wait to start it over again and I haven't even finished it.


I missed it

This weekend, I missed something that I haven't missed ever. But before that, sorry I haven't been updating over the last week. It was insane this week and even crazier this past weekend. It is Monday though and much calmer.

Anyway, my college's homecoming was this past Saturday. Since I started college, I have never missed one until this year. It had become a part of my October. A time to see friends and to talk to them and eat a meal. And also watch Messiah beat some poor school in soccer. But not this year.

I miss it. I missed my friends and the time walking around a beautiful campus wrapped in fall colours. I missed seeing people that I only see a couple of times a year. I missed the powderpuff football game.

So what did I do? I listened to jazz and 40s/50s love songs all day. I'm such a sap.



I was organizing something and had people say that they would do it and then back out on it a day or two before the event. Not cool. Why don't people's words mean much anymore? I was taught that when I say something, I do it. I have always figured that others were taught the same thing. Maybe I was wrong. In the end it turned out fine, but it makes for a stressful prep.

Elsewhere, I have been thinking. Here is a question. What are two things that you can't do without. I am not talking about items, but about ideas or interactions. Maybe it is time to yourself, maybe it is closeness with others. Maybe it is a partner. I wonder what makes us click and keep going.



n. A critical comment or judgment

Why do we react so negatively to this word? Is it because it is used almost exclusively negatively? It is such a small word with such powerful impact.

Today I experienced some constructive criticism. It was done kindly with the best of intentions. And you know what? It sucked. I hated it. Not only that but now I feel like a bit of a failure. I strive to do some things right and find that I am not. That stinks.

So why is this the case? I have an idea. Maybe it is because we are much better talking about the negative than encouraging people. It would be interesting to do a study on a person's positive comments as opposed to their negative comments. I wonder how much their negative comments would win by. I know that it would be a landslide for me. And I am even an optimist.

Now about the judgment word...



Sometimes we need encouragement and what is so small to one person is huge to you. That happened to me today. Things had been a bit hard lately and many circumstances had left me feeling very unappreciated. Then today one person made a very sincere yet simple compliment and thank you for something I had done.

It just lifted my day. That didn't make everything feel fine, but it brought some sun into the day. It was so nice. Something so quick and simple was so meaningful. I wonder if we realize how much we affect others. A positive comment can do amazing things to lift each other. On the other hand a negative comment can just destroy someone.

I think that we forget the power of words in lifting and tearing down people. So try to say something nice to someone today. It could mean a lot more to them than you would have thought.


Things Ya Want

It's not the pale moon that excites me
That thrills and delights me
Oh no
It's just the nearness of you

It isn't your sweet conversation
That brings this sensation
Oh no
It's just the nearness of you
-Hoagy Carmichael

Yup, sometimes you just want someone to hold and be near. Oh well...In God's time...Not like I have any time anyway.