

I returned to the scene of many hijinx yesterday. The place known as Messiah College. You see, ten years ago I graduated from there. The campus looks a lot the same but besides that, much has changed. But still it was neat to be back and have so many memories return.

For many years after college, I had always known that I greatly enjoyed college and would have loved to go back, but realized that it wouldn't be the same. I slowly began to realize that what I was missing was the profound sense of community that I had there. I had very deep community as is easy when you live on a college campus with so many people.

Well, I have experienced this since. It was when I went to Germany. Another incredible time where I felt so much community and support through community. My heart longs for community. My soul thrives on community. I think that in some way all of us have this desire. So when and where will community come next. I don't know, but I look forward to it whenever it happens and I look forward to putting effort into it happening again.