
I wish I knew how to skate

Okay, let me set this situation up for you. It is a cool, crisp evening and we have just driven into Basel, Switzerland. The night is clear and we walk up to an ice skating rink. Lights and ice with the city of Basel in the background along with nice music.

Man, I wish I knew how to skate. Let me reword that. Man, I wish that every time that I went out to skate, I didn't come perilously close to killing myself and then regretting the decision to attempt ice skating for the next month while I heal. That is how bad I am. But the situation was so perfect. Oh well, it just isn't something that works out for me.

And wouldn't it be so much more perfect to have a special someone to share the night of skating with. One of those...Basel in the background, nice warm woman in the foreground...

Okay, Okay, I'll wake up from dreamland.


Anonymous said...

I myself have been thinking about taking skating lessons over at Twin Ponds. But they're expensive. So that line of thinking didn't go far. But I know what you're saying

Anonymous said...

i wish i had someone to skate with too!!!! Love You Bro!

Nathan Hackman said...

Find somebody who knows how and have them teach you. I learned from a buddy who played hockey in High School. I'm no Brian Boitano (thank God), but I get around. Find a girl who can skate and you'll kill two birds with one stone.

Proteinstar said...

Roller blade, you can actual use it as a mode of transportation rather than orbit a stupid frozen rink.