
God Bless us Everyone...(cough) (cough)

Last night we had a Christmas party. We watched 'Muppet's Christmas Carol.' It is weird doing these things without the people you are used to. The movie is a movie that I have watched with many friends countless times since college. Watching the movie brought up all the jokes that we have developed over the years. These are jokes that I can make around friends and they will laugh, or vice versa. But not here. I don't have a history here. People don't know 10 year old jokes. We can't just laugh at one of those inside type jokes.

I never thought that watching the Muppet's would be a sentimental hard time. How many more times will this come up? I also missed the famed Christmas party that I go to every year. It started in college and I have been to every one. It has become as much a part of the season as anything and I missed it.

All these thoughts are from my perspective. I wonder what it is like to not have me there. I have no clue. Do they miss me? Do they not even notice? I would guess somewhere in between the extremes. I think about these people all the time. I may not contact enough, but that doesn't mean the thoughts and love aren't there for my family and friends. Sometimes those emails or other contacts are just too hard to make.

This has been an interesting season and will only get more interesting. As I get closer and closer to Christmas, I am sure that these feelings will get more intense. It should be quite the ride. I don't know what to expect and am a bit scared of it.

Back to movies, now I am going to try to watch 'Home Alone' without my family laughing in the background.


Anonymous said...

It tastes like chicken.

Anonymous said...

My single chums are down to my roommate. Pancho is not there. He is missed by many. At random times he is cheerfully remenisced about. There will be happy times upon his return. The Christmas par-tay was not the same without him.

Anonymous said...

Hey....i miss you...and just imagine me laughing in the backround....so i will have to tell u about my luggage getting lost....I LOVE YOU MATT!!!

Proteinstar said...

Hey man, you are missed. We haven't had someone complain through an entire game of Settlers about how he's going to lose only to win by 4 points over the next highest player.

Homesickness is natural, you'll be back in the States before you know it, reminising about those Teutons and how great it was.