
Why I believe there was no winner of the 2009 MLB season

I know that the World Series ended yesterday. In fact I saw the last out. But there is no longer actual competition in Major League Baseball. Without competition, there is then no winner. They say there is, but it's not true. The Yankees shouldn't even be allowed to play in the MLB.

Why do I say these things? The payrolls of each team. Baseball does not have a salary cap. That means that the teams can spend as much or as little as they want or have on their teams. Well, the "winners" this year spent over $200 million this season on their 'team' Their opponents, the Phillies spent $113 million on theirs. That is a gap of about $70 million. That amount is more than 10 teams payrolls. This is absurd. The lowest team's payroll Marlins, is $37 million. The next closest team to the Yankees is the Mets at $150 million. That is still $50 million lower than the Yankees 'team'.

If ever there was a team built on money and not baseball, it is the Yankees. Players go there to get money. They don't go there because they care about baseball. With so much money being the difference between teams payrolls. The talent disparity is ridiculous. When the Yankees play the Marlins, that is essentially a Division 1 college football team playing a Division 3 team. No competition.

Something needs to be done about this. I may stop watching baseball if this continues. There is no sport anymore, just Goliath against everyone else. It's a wonder the Phillies won two games against the machine of absurdity.