
Ode to Women

I know that I have talked in the past about the wonders of women, but it has been a while so I figure that I shall opine on it again. Women are nice. Some would say very nice. They smell nice, talk nice, touch nice. Oo, the touch of a woman....

Okay, Okay, I woke up. Anyway. There is something wonderful and mysterious about a woman. Something that us men can't understand. And that is what I think the beauty of it is. We don't understand each other, yet we aren't complete without each other.

And that is why I like women, no, love women. They are awesome and I am glad for pretty much every interaction I have with them.

(Disclaimer: This ode is in no way to be construed as an ode towards a specific woman. There is no specific woman for this, so quit assuming stuff and lay off, you little buggers!)


Proteinstar said...

So are we assuming there is a specific woman in question? WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE