
LOVE - the finale

loves his BFA guys
loves Muslims
loves teenagers
loves the weather we've had this week
loves the smell of fresh cut grass
loves that loving makes for positivity rather than negativity
loves air conditioning
loves grace

that finished up my august LOVE experiment. i have to admit. when it was a rough day, it was really hard to come up with something. some of the things were deep, some weren't. they all were true and the thing that most pleasantly surprised me was that by using the word love and not bashing something else led to positive comments. it seems to disarm peoples negativity a bit.

so i am going to keep going. not every day, but at least once a week. although i love many things, i am not love. i know someone who is. whether or not i feel it or believe it all the time, it is true. God is LOVE. it has to be true. there is no point without it. and let me tell you, i don't feel it right now. but i am clinging to it.

so LOVE.

loves laughing
loves the chance he is getting to change the lives of some wonderful people
loves volleyball
loves homemade cappuccinos on a rainy day
loves fall.