

politics is a rare breed. it is amazing how best of friends can turn fight-to-the-death duelers when discussing politics. they can discuss virtually anything else and remain calm and jovial, but throw in words like republican, democrat, conservative and liberal and the gloves are off.

recently, i made a foray into some political discussions over the course of the day. i wasn't meaning to attack anyone, but in mentioning a disagreement with a political person they revered, it was like attacking their own family. this is what politics does. and i am not sure why. either way, after a day of weighing into debates, i was a bit annoyed with myself for having been drawn into passionate discourses.

so i withdrew. not that i don't think that some of these discussions are important, but because there is just to much passion wrapped in all of this. For this non-republican, non-democrat, non liberal, non-conservative, it is better just to stay on the sidelines and listen. i definitely have my ideas, but others hold quite dearly to theirs and happiness is more important than having your own idea heard.

at least most of the time...