
life to the tune of james taylor.

There's a song that they sing when they take to the highway
A song that they sing when they take to the sea
A song that they sing of their home in the sky
Maybe you can believe it if it helps you to sleep
But singing works just fine for me

do you have a song? is your life a song? i think that mine is. if so, i hope that i take it to the highway and the sea. where am i in my song? am i singing it or is someone else writing it for me? i hope that i am writing it.

right now it feels like it is written in the minor key. plodding and dark and mysterious. will it suddenly brighten up like the chorale in beethoven's 9th? i guess my song has multiple movements. there are so many ways to think about this.

...i wonder in what movement my song becomes a duet...