
Missing ?

I seem to just be sort of eh today. I feel this longing for something. Usually when I feel this I know what it is that I am missing. Lately it has been a feeling of loneliness and missing over not having a special relationship and a special someone to love and share life with.

Also, I have at many times missed family and friends back in the US. My family that goes through changes or my friends that are getting married or just living life. These are people that know me and have known me for a long time. There is a comfort there that isn't always here.

Many times I just miss the states. I grew up and lived there for 28 years. I miss the ease of communication. I miss that little jazz club where I go to listen to some nice jazz for the evening. I miss dressing up and going into the city for dinner. I miss those coffee shops that I could just sit in for hours and their name wasn't Starbucks. I miss live music.

Right now though, I don't know what I miss. I have that feeling of missing something today, but I cannot put my finger on what it is that I miss. This is all very ubiquitous and I am not sure that it makes any sense, but I have this sense of missing something and longing that I can't define. Maybe I am missing something that can't be defined. Maybe I am missing missing something. :-)

Anyway, I wonder if anything good comes from missing something.