
Life goes on and as it does sometimes you need some time. Tonight I have been sitting in front of a fire listening to jazz. Something so soothing and therapeutic about that. Someone said this week that there are two things that people can look at for long periods of time: fire and the ocean. I think that they are right.

Have you ever been in a time when you just need someone to talk to. But you don't want to put yourself out there. Right now I am thinking hard and would love to just think out loud to someone, but I don't want to ask. I can't explain why. Maybe I want to feel loved and cared for. I don't know and when I write it out like this, it doesn't make any sense. Either way, I am sitting here wishing that someone would sit down next to me and talk, but no dice.

Where I am emotionally hasn't changed over the last couple of days. Life is good though.