
So I got a bit wet

Last Friday I had the distinct privilege to go golfing with my brother. Since I hadn't swung a golf club in a year, I went to the driving range Thursday night to remind myself how it worked. A side note...as I was getting my clubs out of the car there was this group of people. It looked like multiple parts of a family. Grandparents, one sons family, another family, but all related. They were getting ready to play mini golf. I realized that I understood what they were saying to each other, yet I also realized that it didn't seem to fit in the states. It was at this time that I realized they were speaking German to each other. It felt so comfortable to hear them interact in German. A nice thing for a guy missing Germany.

Anyways, back to golf. Friday morning came around and we got out on the golfcourse. I was doing okay. Not great, but better than I have done before and the best of us four. It was quite the enjoyable time and I was really enjoying walking the course with my bro. Then some drizzeling rain came. A small shower lasted for about five minutes and then moved on. We though we were okay till we had just finished hole 13. The sky got real dark and huge drops started coming down. By the time that we walked back the the clubhouse WITH an umbrella. We were soaked. Man, we got poured on. But we didn't get struck by lightning which was good.

Still ended up being a great day.