
Life and Death

Wow, it has been a looooooong time. Almost long enough for people to wonder if this is dead or not. Even for me to wonder if I was going to end this blog. Well, I am not. Proof...I am updating right now. In fact, I do not know how often I will update, but as for now, I do plan on updating every week. So for you wondering if it is worth reading, at least once a week it will be.

Anyway, on to the time at hand. Monday night, after a day of enjoying nature and kayaking, I returned with my parents and a black snake was discovered to be caught in some netting. I thought that it would be nice to free it. It was dark though and I could barely see the issue whilst shining a flashlight. So I figured that the next morning I would attempt the rescue.

The next morning I went out and started the rescue. I was very careful and tried very hard to be gentle. The snake was remarkably still and I started to wonder about its health or lack of. I did free it, but it had died. I placed it in some bushes hoping that it would heal some and slither away, but it was not to be. Then something interesting happened. I felt a profound sense of sadness.

I wasn't expecting this for although I tried to save it, it was just a snake. But I could not get the fact that the snake had died out of my head all day and I have thought about it today. I realized through conversation that the effort I put into saving the snake had also brought an attachment to the snake. It had been living and I worked hard to keep it that way, but it was not to be. So the effort put in brought a caring spirit along. How much more does that happen for us in relationships with humans? For me, extravagantly more.

Well, that is it for now. Till next time...