

Tonight I am leaving with our junior class here at school to drive to Normandy. It is a history class trip and I am fortunate enough to go. In preparation for this trip, we have watched a couple different things. The first three parts of Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan. Needless to say that watching all this got me thinking about war. The horrors of it and everything. It is going to feel a lot more real when I go to this place. I had the chance to go to Bastogne last year and that was good but hard at the same time.

It will be interesting to see Normandy. To see the beaches that the troops landed on. To see the cemeteries commemorating them. I just found this out yesterday. The largest cemetery there is not the US cemetery. It is the German cemetery. Interesting?

I look forward to this weekend and hope that it will give me a new perspective on the awfulness of war and the sacrifice that these men made.