
Joyful Candlemas

Last night Duke University played Boston College in a game of men's college basketball. Now those of you that know me and my sports loyalties know that I can't stand Duke. There are many reasons why I don't like Duke, but one of them is that refs tend to favor them. It's how they are coached. They are coached to flop and act in certain ways as to get calls. They also have a reputation of being the most well coached team in the world although it hasn't been true for a long while.

Last night they won the game by two points. In the game they shot 24 more free throws than BC. That has direct correlation to how many fouls are called on a team. That was bad enough, but the worst part was the end of the game. BC had the ball and a BC played dribbled towards the basket to try to score. At the point one of the Duke players mugged him and knocked him to the floor. Did a whistle blow for a foul? Nope. In what was a clear foul, the referee did not do anything because it would have gone against Duke.

Man, does that irk me. Maybe they will be the first number 1 seed in the tournament to lose to a 16 seed. And I will continue my passionate dislike for Duke.


matt said...

For those of you that don't know what Candlemas is, it is the religious holiday celebrated on Groundhog's Day. For more info go here, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candlemas.